Chilli Con Carne

There is a general feeling of excitement in the house whenever this is on the menu- my mouth waters just thinking about it! I like to serve the chilli piled up like nachos with toasted triangles of flatbread and topped with green veg guacamole, Greek yoghurt and grated cheese - my daughter loves picking at the mountain with us! But for a midweek dinner you could also just cook up some rice and it would be absolutely delicious.

[Note: It's high on the bean:meat ratio so just reduce the bean quantity if you aren't so keen but pulses provide a wonderful dose of fibre and meat-free protein so I am a big fan.]

Makes enough for 2-3 adults and 2-4 small children


2 tbsp olive oil

250g beef mince

1 red onion, diced

100g jarred cooked red pepper

1 tsp ground cumin

1 tsp ground coriander

1/2 tsp paprika

2 tbsp tomato purée

2 garlic cloves, whole

1 X 400g chopped tomatoes

200ml water

1 x 400g kidney beans


In a large pan heat the olive oil and then fry the meat until golden brown. Add the onion and cook for 5 minutes on a high heat stirring occasionally to prevent them burning. Add the red peppers, spices, tomato puree and garlic and cook for a couple of minutes to release the fragrance. Add the chopped tomatoes and water and bring to the boil. Reduce to a simmer and cook for 45 minutes covered. Stir occasionally. After 45 minutes remove the lid and add the kidney beans. Continue to cook, uncovered for a further 30 minutes. Turn off the heat and remove. Serve immediately as suggested above or freeze any leftover portions.

just for adults? add 1/2 tsp chilli powder